
I’m Courtney McKenna - Artist and Marketer on a mission to help society shift into a healthier and happier collective through business growth & development. I help brands and individuals to activate their voices through compelling storytelling and content creation. I create clarity for my clients through actionable strategies that cover branding, social media, email campaigns, UX design, paid ads, and SEO.

I have a wide network of graphic designers, cinematographers, editors, SEO experts, virtual assistants, counselors, and alternative healers when my clients need extra support. My goal is to lead my clients to a place where they are scaling their businesses in a sustainable way that they can feel good about! 

When I am not helping clients market their business, I am a wellness guide and certified 200-hour yoga instructor. I teach guitar and voice lessons and have spent countless hours studying music and its healing effects on the nervous system. I occasionally host voice activation workshops for individuals or teams who want to step into their full expression and creative power.

If you know my story, you that my own path hasn’t been the slightest bit linear. I am extremely grateful for the many different experiences and projects that have brought me to where I am today. Over the past 14 years, I’ve been able to work with some of the world’s largest brands such as SONY and Abbott Healthcare. I’ve spent years working on healing my emotional wounds and re-programming my mind so that I can help you to do the same; enhance your life and your business.

Running and growing a business is a holistic practice but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming and stressful. Schedule a free 30-min intro call with me so we can create a plan for your success!

- Courtney