2024 Wellness Offerings

I teach yoga for the community. 200 Hr certified by Sol Seek Manhattan Beach. Follow me on Instagram for more dates and locations.


60-minute Group Guitar Class - Learn guitar in a supportive community environment. No previous music experience is necessary. Location varies from week to week. This class meets weekly in Hermosa Beach, every Wednesday night. Email me to sign up or for more information.

$50/ person

Guitar Club

60-minute One-on-one Guitar or Singing Lessons - Learn guitar or to sing in a supportive one-on-one container. No previous music experience is necessary. We cover elements of ear training, music theory and songwriting. Email me to sign up or for more information.

$150/ person

private Guitar or VoiCE LESSONS

Sound Healing Through Song Workshop

90-minute Interactive Voice Activation - Gain confidence in your self-expression and begin to discover your Heart Song through Hypnosis, Beathwork, Alexander Technique, and Singing Guidance and Sound Bath from Courtney McKenna. No previous singing experience is necessary. You will leave with voice tools you can practice beyond our class. I host this workshop at Pure Sound Bath in Redondo Beach. Space is limited to 6 students. The next workshop date is TBA. Follow me on Instagram for more up-to-date offerings!

Pure Sound Bath | 310 Vista Del Mar | Suite B | Redondo Beach, CA

$75/ person

One-On-One private sessions

I provide one-on-one voice activation sessions for people who are looking to experience a breakthrough. In my sessions, we look at the root cause of an issue that you are dealing with to discover your limiting beliefs. Using a mix of guided meditation, hypnosis, Human design, mindfulness (Alexander Technique), singing, and sound bath I help you to transform how you move about the world. I will teach you practical tools you can use daily to help your breakthrough integrate quicker into your daily life.

Each session is different depending on what you want to work on. I may recommend multiple sessions as not all transformations can happen in just one hour.

Please email me with what you are looking to work on, and several times you may be available for a session.

Starting at $240/hour in person $150/hour over zoom

Corporate WOrkshops

I facilitate corporate voice activation workshops to help employees better understand each other and communicate more effectively and empathetically. In these workshops, I lead your team through a series of fun and engaging activities that focus on using the voice. We will look at how our different voices interact with each other both from the perspective of song and in practice at the workplace.

Each team member will receive a journal with tips and writing prompts to go along with the workshop content so they can practice what they learn long after the day concludes. Most workshops will start with include guided meditation and breathwork then conclude with a sound bath.

Starting at $1500/ half-day

My Healing Journey Through Sound & Music

For nearly a decade, I have studied sound as a healing modality. For me, it began with diving deep into the art of songwriting to help me better understand my own emotions. In college, I pushed myself so hard that I burnt out in about 2.5 years. After I graduated and lived abroad for a year trying to rediscover my motivation to join the corporate world, I moved to New York City and became a waitress. As I began to write and record my own music, I was slowly able to start picking up marketing work and I committed to my own healing journey.

In 2018 I created my first sound healing workshop called ‘Sanctuary’. The experience was a reflection on the Divine Feminine, held in an art gallery in Brooklyn in collaboration with the artwork of Kay Sirikul. In 2020 I continued my musical studies -learning Alexander Technique, training vocally with Grammy Award Winning Opera Singer John Brancy, and learning music theory with the Dean of California College of Music, Chris Kapika. In 2022 I co-hosted a series of cacao ceremonies across the South Bay that offered live music with sound bowls, singing, and guitar performances. I enrolled in a six-month advanced energy healing course for practitioners where I learned some of the same Hypnosis and Reiki techniques that helped me move through burnout, overwhelm, and episodes of depression during college. I’m grateful to add this wealth of knowledge to my tool kit to help you learn to recover from whatever you are going through and make the most of your own life!

Courtney McKenna performing ‘Sanctuary’ for ‘Flower Offerings’ in 2018 at AG Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.