Why do you need a Brand Guide?

Do you feel like you are constantly creating content without any results? Or maybe you have a clear idea of what your offering is but you don’t seem to see it reaching anyone. I’ve seen this problem with many of my clients- they have an excellent product but they don’t know who to market to. They are creating random pieces of content that do not speak to anyone in particular and often their content is all over the place. They think they can speak to everyone because they believe in their product enough. If you are just starting your business, you need to start small and know exactly what your niche is, and who your ideal client is within that niche! If you don’t know who you are talking to and what problem you are solving for them, how do you expect your people to respond to your content?!

Taking the time to identify your target market and ideal client may seem like a waste of time at face value but ultimately it will save you thousands of hours and dollars in the future!

Your ideal client dictates how you should speak to them, which tone of voice to use, what to talk about, AND how you should visually present your offer.

If you have ever hired a designer without a brand guide you may know what it feels like to have to extend the timeline and budget of a project to allow for revisions. Revisions are frustrating for everyone. I’m sure your graphic designer would love to blow your socks off with their work upon the first presentation!

How can you be sure you are giving your designer or copywriter enough information upfront so they know what to do? Do you know what to include when you are giving instructions? If you think about it, there is alot that goes into describing a brand and there is even more that goes into giving instructions to a creative to get a desired outcome. If you try to type it out in an email, chances are you will miss some important details. Now think about how many times you will need to give this information to a new hire or an agency you bring on to work with you. THIS is where having a brand guide is crucial in scaling your business!

Every large company that has ever made a piece of advertising has gone through an extensive process of brand development and ultimately created a brand guide for their teams to reference. I am offering you this very experience.

Let’s get intimate with your brand

Before we can consider creating a digital content strategy for your brand, creating a brand guide and getting intimate with your brand through a series of guided work shops is a must.  In just three months I will bring clarity to your business and messaging, and deliver your unique brand guide for your business so that onboarding any contractors or future employees will be a seamless process!

I work with you through a series of weekly 60-90 minute workshops. In our time together, I will guide you to get super clear on your ideal client and your brand. Each session will include journal prompts for you to accomplish before the next time we meet in order to give you time to dive deep into the work. Through these workshops we will identify your Ideal Client, your niche, your value proposition, and develop a clear point of view that will drive all messaging of your brand. We will work to discover the correct usage of your logo, colors, style of imagery, iconography, typography, copywriting voice and tone, and illustration guidelines that will make up your brand essence and ultimately your content pillars. We will also discuss what content pillars look like in 2024 and how we can use them to track real results into your business.

I incorporate your Human design in our workshops so that all of your messaging directed at your target market will be magnetized through your unique energetic profile. These insights will most likely reveal personal truths that will help you grow as a human. Individual personal development will help to expand your business in ways that are hard to conceive when just starting out on the journey.

Let me help you grow your business!

Let me help you grow your business with the creation of a custom & cohesive brand guide!

I’m offering you a free 30-minute intro call so that I may better understand your goals, your current business, and the resources you have on hand.